> 2005/9/23, Justin Karneges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I've always thought it would be great to have normal IM and
> services
> > under one domain to simplify things.  I know it is a departure from
> > traditional "jabberd" approach to servers and components, but
there's no
> > reason it couldn't be done.
> We would have to remove "groupchat 1.0" support from JEP-0045
> and mark every <presence/> with <x
> xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/muc'/>

Good riddance... :) Legacy support is optional anyway, right? 

> And what about messages?
> How would we differentiate <message/> to user [EMAIL PROTECTED] from
> <message/> to room [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In the multi-service enabled endpoint you'd just have to have a lookup
table mapping a given JID to its current type (chat room, pubsub
service, etc). We already do this today in our server for managed group
aliases and such. The service can no longer be a completely separate
entity. The endpoint simply must know about all the services and all the
JID's under the domain in order to properly handle messages.

-JD Conley

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