Joonas Govenius wrote:
> On 8/22/06, Michal vorner Vaner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The protocol itself does not limit the size, but allows servers to have
>> their own limits for protection reasons. It however says the protocol is
>> optimized for small stanzas. Recommended size is <4k for instant
>> messaging.
> Has anyone actually tested this? Also, what's not "instant messaging"?

IIRC, we debated whether we wanted to recommend a maximum stanza size in
RFC 3920 or RFC 3921, but decided against it.

> I had to resort to transfering images in a very similar way to IBB
> (JEP-0047) in my whiteboard solution. I'm encoding the image in base64
> and splitting the data over several messages if necessary. What
> fragment size would you recommend in this case? I could imagine
> sending a smallish, say 200KB, image in 4KB fragments causing much
> more load on the server than sending it in 50KB fragments for example.
> That's just my guess though. Does anyone know better?

>From the perspective of XMPP messaging, 200K is not smallish.

Perhaps some server developers could come up with recommended sizes as a
best practice.


Peter Saint-Andre
Jabber Software Foundation

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