On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 01:40:52PM -0200, Bruno Bechler Machado wrote:
> Hy, i'm a java developer and i started to develop jabber server and client
> only a few days ago.
> i'm writting a client and i want to use the contacts from MSN and ICQ, but
> i don't now how to do that and i didnt find any libraries or examples to do
> it.
> i found at the jabber's site how a use this feature with exodus (for
> exemple),
> but i want to know how to write a code to do that..
> stabilish connections with gtalk and jabber's servers its ok, but msn
> and icq
> have been a great threat for me :-)
> please, anyone who have some material about this subject, or links to help
> me, send it ok?

On server, you need a transport. Just grab one already existing and
implement component protocol in the server so thy can connect to it and
you are done.

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