23 apr 2007 kl. 20.12 skrev Tran Thai Son:


Hi all,
Thank you alot Hamdan for your suggestion. It seems that the Smack library from the igniterealtime.org (or you mean another application?) is really clean and I'm playing with it.

By the way, did anybody play around with a Jabber C/C++ library or client which can be a good base to develop?

I'm the author of Loudmouth [1], a C library for Jabber (2.0 will be fully XMPP compatible). It's currently used for Gossip [2], by Nokia in the N800 (through Telepathy [3]) and Mugshot [4] among other applications.

  Mikael Hallendal

[1] http://developer.imendio.com/projects/loudmouth/
[2] http://developer.imendio.com/projects/gossip/
[3] http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/
[3] http://mugshot.org/main

Imendio AB, http://www.imendio.com

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