Hey after upgrading to one of the latest versions of jabberd2  to try to 
fix the issue with pidgin now I cant see google jid's I can see any 
other xmpp server from jabber.com to .au etc
but is only google....
in the upgrade it says to move this piece from the resolver to the s2s 
and so I did..

    <!-- _xmpp-server._tcp is mandated by the XMPP spec -->

    <!-- traditionally, _jabber._tcp has been used -->

is this correct? also why only with gmail? why only after the upgrade?
in th s2s log I get:

*"connection to gmail.com timed out"*

libre jabber # tail -n100 s2s.log
Sat Jun 21 15:06:19 2008 [notice] [19] [, port=33456] 
received dialback auth request for route 
Sat Jun 21 15:06:19 2008 [notice] [20] [, port=5269] outgoing 
connection for 'jabber.der-winti.de'
Sat Jun 21 15:06:20 2008 [notice] [20] [, port=5269] sending 
dialback auth request for route 'binaryfreedom.info/jabber.der-winti.de'
Sat Jun 21 15:06:20 2008 [notice] [19] [, port=33456] 
checking dialback verification from jabber.der-winti.de: sending valid
Sat Jun 21 15:06:20 2008 [notice] [20] [, port=5269] outgoing 
route 'binaryfreedom.info/jabber.der-winti.de' is now valid
Sat Jun 21 15:06:20 2008 [notice] [19] [, port=33456] 
incoming route 'binaryfreedom.info/jabber.der-winti.de' is now valid
Sat Jun 21 15:06:26 2008 [notice] [29] [, port=50332] 
disconnect, packets: 5
Sat Jun 21 15:07:11 2008 [notice] [12] [, port=5269] 
connection to gmail.com timed out
Sat Jun 21 15:07:11 2008 [notice] [12] [, port=5269] 
disconnect, packets: 0
Sat Jun 21 15:07:12 2008 [notice] dns lookup for gmail.com returned 3 
results (ttl 60)
Sat Jun 21 15:07:12 2008 [notice] [12] [, port=5269] 
outgoing connection for 'gmail.com'
Sat Jun 21 15:07:16 2008 [notice] [22] [, port=5269] 
outgoing connection for 'jabber.org.by'
Sat Jun 21 15:07:16 2008 [notice] [22] [, port=5269] 
sending dialback auth request for route 'binaryfreedom.info/jabber.org.by'
Sat Jun 21 15:07:17 2008 [notice] [23] [, port=55976] 
incoming connection
Sat Jun 21 15:07:17 2008 [notice] [23] [, port=55976] 
incoming stream online (id tl0ldha5spodgnxkl31olej5m38z64h0pil3zw8s)
Sat Jun 21 15:07:18 2008 [notice] [23] [, port=55976] 
received dialback auth request for route 'binaryfreedom.info/jabber.org.by'
Sat Jun 21 15:07:18 2008 [notice] [23] [, port=55976] 
incoming route 'binaryfreedom.info/jabber.org.by' is now valid
Sat Jun 21 15:07:18 2008 [notice] [23] [, port=55976] 
checking dialback verification from jabber.org.by: sending valid
Sat Jun 21 15:07:18 2008 [notice] [22] [, port=5269] 
outgoing route 'binaryfreedom.info/jabber.org.by' is now valid
Sat Jun 21 15:07:30 2008 [notice] [14] [, port=41231] 
disconnect, packets: 6
Sat Jun 21 15:07:30 2008 [notice] [14] [, port=49213] 
incoming connection
Sat Jun 21 15:07:30 2008 [notice] [14] [, port=49213] 
incoming stream online (id mx62k3m66our2ewpi4op86pyob1o8ahu8nxsqkyx)
Sat Jun 21 15:07:30 2008 [notice] [14] [, port=49213] 
incoming stream online (id 8toa8l0rqohyv7xjiz8rapmidjb34a0c4pndan50)
Sat Jun 21 15:07:30 2008 [notice] [14] [, port=49213] 
received dialback auth request for route 'binaryfreedom.info/wippien.com'
Sat Jun 21 15:07:31 2008 [notice] [14] [, port=49213] 
incoming route 'binaryfreedom.info/wippien.com' is now valid, TLS negotiated
Sat Jun 21 15:09:11 2008 [notice] [12] [, port=5269] 
connection to gmail.com timed out
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