On Sunday 28 September 2008 21:52:49 jlist wrote:
> In the case of a TLS connection, there's also the switch
> from plain text to TLS...
> I'm also coming to think that the best (or easiest) way
> could be to use a SAX parser to parse out the stanzas, then
> use a DOM parser for easy access to the attributes. However,
> this may not handle the TLS's case though. I haven't looked
> into the details but I suspect I need to handcraft the SAX
> parser for the <stream> tags just to handle this scenario.

There's two issues with switching on TLS:

1) Parse a new <stream>.  This is super easy.  As soon as you get the 
<proceed/> tag, just throw away your old SAX parser instance and create a new 
one.  Done.

2) Don't send TLS bytes into your SAX parser.  When you receive 
<proceed/>[binary data], then you want to make sure that [binary data] isn't 
SAX-parsed.  Unless your parser allows you to peek at unprocessed data, the 
purest solution is to feed one byte at a time to the parser so that you can 
manage an "unprocessed" data buffer yourself.

Despite that the #2 problem is not very enjoyable, neither of these issues 
should require a hand-crafted SAX parser to solve.

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