On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 3:45 PM, John Stewart <ironf...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Questions:
> 1. Have I overlooked an already existing spec for what I need to do?
> 2. Can I add this functionality using an external XMPP component(XEP-0114),
> or will I have to write a mod for a specific XMPP server(ejabberd most
> likely)?
> 3. Is it easy/possible to create a guaranteed unique timestamps in an
> ejabberd component?

In ejabberd you can write a module (not a component) intercepting and
(I think modify) any type of packets passing through the server
through the mechanism of ejabberd event hooks. On the ejabberd mailing
list I think you'll find all the help you need

And if you are adventurous enough you can write them from external
applications http://blog.bluendo.com/ff/ejabberd-hooks-with-twisted


Fabio Forno, Ph.D.
Bluendo srl http://www.bluendo.com
jabber id: f...@jabber.bluendo.com
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