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On 11/10/09 6:25 AM, Kurt Zeilenga wrote:
> On Nov 9, 2009, at 5:24 AM, Sebastiaan Deckers wrote:
>> Both RFC2831 (Digest SASL) and RFC3920 (XMPP Core) do not specify what
>> the realm should be treated as by the client if it is missing from the
>> challenge.
> RFC 2831 says about the server's advertise of realms:
>       This directive is
>       optional; if not present, the client SHOULD solicit it from the
>       user or be able to compute a default; a plausible default might be
>       the realm supplied by the user when they logged in to the client
>       system. Multiple realm directives are allowed, in which case the
>       user or client must choose one as the realm for which to supply to
>       username and password.
> and says this about the client's response:
>       The realm containing the user's account. This directive is
>       required if the server provided any realms in the
>       "digest-challenge", in which case it may appear exactly once and
>       its value SHOULD be one of those realms. If the directive is
>       missing, "realm-value" will set to the empty string when computing
>       A1 (see below for details).
> If the server provides one realm, use that.
> If the server provides none: the client should ask the user for it and
> if the user provides one, use that.  Otherwise none.   (If you want to
> suggest one for the client to use, suggest the domain of the user's JID.)
> If the server provides multiple: the client should choose which to use.

Perhaps it would be helpful to write an informational XEP about the use


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Peter Saint-Andre

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