On Sunday 15 November 2009 11:59:24 Kurt Zeilenga wrote:
> Anyways, some servers might have authcid which are not JIDs.  For instance,
> my authcid might be "Kurt Zeilenga".  XMPP clients should, just like most
> email clients do, the option to enter a authcid that's different than the
> user's JID (just like email clients allow for authcids which are different
> than the user's email address).

I'm not 100% sure if it works since I've never tested it personally, but in 
Psi you can go to the Misc section in the account settings and use 
the "Authenticate as" area to set a specific username (authcid).  If 
unspecified, then the authcid is assumed to be the JID node.

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