On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 6:10 AM, IRcapmail <ircapm...@yahoo.es> wrote:

> Hello again, I have another problem.
> In the step 2:
> 2. Compute the 16 octet MD5 hash of X. Call the result Y.
> %Y = $md5(%X)
> sometimes the md5 result includes some "00". For example:
> borrame:jabber.dk:hola
> its MD5 is:
> 8ec8d3570700b4f2722604385d3eb79a
> When converting to ASCii, I can't convert "00" because it's no
> representable almost in mIRC scripting, that returns a null value for ascii
> 0.
> Then the result is a 15 character string instead 16.
> How I can resolve this, the 00 hex can be replaced by other value?
> Thanks for you patience.
A quick google search tell me that the mIRC scripting language does support
binary data, and the %md5 function does take &binvar. You should treat Y and
A1 as binary values, not strings.

I hope that helps.

Waqas Hussain
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