On 3/31/10 11:39 AM, Kevin Smith wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 6:23 PM, Yann Leboulanger <aste...@lagaule.org> wrote:
>> Here s Gajim's point of view: It seems a student is interested in
>> implementing Jingle FileTransfer in Gajim, and he also seems very
>> interested in implementing encrypted Jingle session. So that would be
>> excellent to be able to test between Gajim and Psi!
>> Now We don't currently know what applications will really be posted,
>> which one will be accepted, but that could be a nice thing to develop
>> that on both clients.
> I think it would be a great thing to have matching projects for
> different clients, doing interop testing along the way.

Excellent idea! These teams could also test with Pidgin and Empathy.


Peter Saint-Andre

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