mattj thinks this ought to be announced here, too. Announcement text is mostly courtesy of ralphm :-)

strophe.jingle is a webrtc connection plugin for strophe.js. Strophe is a popular library for writing XMPP client applications that run on any of the current popular browsers. Instead of the native TCP binding, strophe.js uses BOSH (Bidirectional-streams Over Synchronous HTTP, a variant of long polling) to connect to an XMPP server. Besides enabling anyone to build (federated) IM applications, this opens up the browser as an addressable endpoint for two-way exchange of structured messages, including presence and publish-subscribe applications.

Fork it at

This plugin makes it possible to negotiate audio/video streams via XMPP and then relinquish control to the WebRTC support of browsers like Firefox and Chrome for the actual out-of-band media streams. With XMPP/Jingle you get the authenticated, secured and federated media signaling, whereas WebRTC gives you an API to set up the media streams using RTP/ICE/STUN and provide access to cameras and microphones.
- mostly standards-compliant jingle, mapping from WebRTCs SDP to Jingle
  and vice versa. Aiming for full compliance.
- tested with chrome and firefox.
- trickle and non-trickle modes for ICE (XEP-0176). Even supports early
  candidates from peer using PRANSWER.
- support for fetching time-limited STUN/TURN credentials through
  XEP-0215. rfc5766-turn-server is a TURN server which implements this method.
  a sample demonstrating the use of this to build a federated multi-user
  conference (in full-mesh mode).

Thanks to my employer for the permission to release this under MIT license.
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