On 3 September 2013 15:50, Ashley Ward <ashley.w...@surevine.com> wrote:
> On 3 Sep 2013, at 15:37, Steven Lloyd Watkin <ll...@evilprofessor.co.uk> 
> wrote:
>> I'd like to do something with pubsub (we're running the xmpp server off my 
>> laptop (must upgrade prosody) but very interested in others thoughts?
> For PubSub, maybe some kind of shared message board? You could get everyone 
> subscribing to and publishing to a node, and display the contents of the node 
> on the projector.

Yep. Also one of Prosody's pubsub modules for subscribing to various
external services might make a good demo:

  - mod_pubsub_twitter: subscribe to a Twitter search
  - mod_pubub_feeds: subscribe to ATOM/RSS feeds (either using
server-side polling or PubsubHubbub)
  - mod_pubsub_github: ...to github commit hooks
  - mod_pubsub_googlecode: Google Code commit hooks
  - mod_pubsub_pivotaltracker: Pivotal Tracker updates

These are all in various stages of completeness (some were for demos,
and some we use daily). If you do decide to build something around one
of these and need help, you know where to shout.

We also have some modules for integration on the subscriber side (e.g.
consuming via PubsubHubbub or HTML5's EventSource), but these are
probably out of scope if you want to show off xmpp-ftw :)

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