Hi Michelle,

It may be time to set up a JDO 2 repository. There JPOX will be the RI, not an iut. Is there anything stopping us from doing this now, Michael?

AFAIK, the subversion repository is not yet setup. So I have the maven jdo projects on my local machine and post new versions to the wiki from time to time.

I think almost all the tck tests from JDO 1 will be JDO 2 tests too. We could copy them over as astrat of the tck20 subproject. But then we would need to maintain them in two places. I really like to have some source code version control support when doing this.

I think this is an important topic for the JDO TCK conference call next Friday.

I think everything would be simpler if we had a real Apache repository now.


Regards Michael

-- Michelle


thanks for the maven.xml file with the JPOX enhancer update. The JPOX
enhancer takes .jdo files as arguments and not the .class files of the
pc classes, correct?


My idea is to use the JDORI enhancer during build.

In the JPOX Enhancer for JDO 2 we implement the Detachable interface in enhanced
files. That's ok to use the JDORI enhancer if there are no detach/attach tests,
but I can recall from the latest times we tried the JDORI enhancer, there were
still some bugs there. Don't ask me what are they, I can't describe.

Running the TCK for a

particular JDO implementation is a separate step having special goals:
(1) Call 'maven useapplicationidentity' or 'maven usedatastoreidentity'
to copy the corresponding JDO metadata files.
(2) Run the enhancer.
(3) Call 'maven runtck' to start the TCK.
The project.properties files allows to specify an enhancer different
from the JDORI enhancer to be called in step (2). I think in your case
this would be the JPOX enhancer. Today there are only two properties:
enhancer.main and enhancer.options. So the maven enhancer goal assumes
the JDO implementation enhancer takes the class files as arguments. The
maven.xml you sent show that this was a wrong assumption. I will change
this and add a property enhancer.args to specify class files or metadata

I know the current documentation is poor, so I need to improve there :-).

Regards Michael


Here is the tck11/maven.xml file updated to use the JPOX enhancer.

I still can't run the tck because JPOX has a strictly validation of the
metadata, and one of these checks needs removal as it was clarified some
time ago by the EG that it's not needed.

Erik Bengtson

-----Original Message-----
From: Michelle Caisse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 9:52 PM
To: jdo-dev@db.apache.org
Subject: Re: Steps to running the TCK against jpox & derby

Michelle Caisse wrote:

Hi, Michael and others,

Here's what I've done to get jpox and derby to run against the TCK, to

the point where they need to find tables in the database.

1. Put jpox-1.1.0-beta-1.jar in tck11/iut_jars.

and put derby.jar and derbytools.jar in tck11/iut_jars

2. Put log4j-1.2.9.jar in tck11/iut_jars. (jpox needed this.)
3 Edit tck11/project.properties:
# iut
iut.properties = ${basedir}/jpox.properties
4. Create jpox.properties:








5. In the classpath section of tck11/maven.xml, place these lines
BEFORE the JDO jar file lines:
     <!-- Jar files for the implementation to be tested -->
     <path refid="test_iut_jars" />
else  [java] 1)



JDO 2.0 capabilities cannot be accessed! Please make sure that you do
not have a JDO 1.0 jar in front of the JDO 2 classes in your


 [java]      at



6. Manually create a derby database.  I'm using iut_jars as the derby
system directory, meaning that it looks there for databases and
derby.properties. I wrote some scripts to create the db.  The
procedure for deleting a derby database is an OS delete operation on
the directory and files.
7. Add the following line to maven.xml in the <goal
name="runtck.single" ...> section:
         <sysproperty key="derby.system.home"

-- Michelle


-- Michael Bouschen [EMAIL PROTECTED] Engineering GmbH mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.tech.spree.de/ Tel.:++49/30/235 520-33 Buelowstr. 66 Fax.:++49/30/2175 2012 D-10783 Berlin

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