Attending: Matthew Adams, Martin Zaun, Michael Bouschen, Michael Watzek, Erik Bengtsen, Michelle Caisse, Craig Russell

1. XML Schema (Brian T - specifics on orm dtd issues, Craig - dtd issues fixed?)
Brian checked in changes to the DTD and .xsd for jdo metadata, and will still need to resolve issues in the DTD for .orm.

2. Detached objects (Matthew)

Started work on ShoppingCart model for detachment. Simple model with ShoppingCart, Items, Product. The ShoppingCart contains objects that will become Orders at checkout time.

Issue: How to run the TCK in debug mode?

AI: Matthew figure out how to run the TCK under Netbeans

3. JIRA/Apache accounts( all)

Martin needs to change his password on He was given pointers and encouragement to just go and do it.

AI: Craig contact Geir to get Erik and Matthew committer status; get erik, matthewadams, mbo, mzaun, mwa administration status on JIRA.

4. OutOfMemoryError (Michelle) JIRA JDO-21

When you run the entire TCK get out of memory errors. Sooner or later depending on configuration.

Some tests don't close the PMF when they fail. All are in api.persistencemanager package.

AI: Michael will look into upgrading the base JDO test class to make sure it's really closing the PMF, even if there are PMs with open transactions. There is some sample code in one of the test cases in ri11: that iterates the nested exceptions if pmf.close fails.

Some tests in fieldtype use a big chunk of memory NewQueryWithExtentAndFilter NewQueryWithSpecifiedLanguageAndQuery use about 200MB memory.

AI: Michael. Look for a static variable in the code.

5. Now running with the proper JPOX configuration. validateTables=false and validateConstraints=false

Erik is using the TCK with autogenerate schema and SQLServer.

some metadata in .jdo for SimpleInterface needs to be updated.

Time fields need extra information. To be discussed on email.

AI: Erik send email with his issues with TCK 20.


On Apr 29, 2005, at 8:36 AM, Michelle Caisse wrote:
Craig Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System
408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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