Attendees: Michelle Caisse, Michael Bouschen, Michael Watzek, Martin Zaun, Erik Bengtsen, Craig Russell

XML Schema (Brian T - specifics on orm dtd issues, Craig - dtd issues fixed?): no more information on orm issues from Brian; Craig still needs to update the .dtd putting back a comment on PUBLIC and SYSTEM.

JDO API release on ibiblio (Brian T, Craig): no change

Detached objects (Matthew): Matthew has some code that he would like to check in but doesn't have privileges yet.

JIRA/Apache accounts(Craig): Geir has set up JIRA accounts so all the committers can administer (assign and close bugs). Erik, Matthew, Michael, and Patrick are awaiting committer status. Need to hold a vote for Micheal Watzek committer status.

Test development status (Michelle): JPOX doesn't recognize foreign-key as an attribute of a field. It issues a parsing error. JPOX is using an internal DTD. Erik will refresh the DTD from the checked-in version.

When running Collection of SimpleInterface, JPOX complains that there is no implementation class for the interface. Might be an issue of the search order for metadata.

Apache nightly builds (Brian): no change

Other  issues  and status (any and all)

AI: Craig: Run rules need a first pass to be discussed on the expert group.

AI: Michael Watzek: The ri11 project is now ready to be evolved into five different 20 sub projects. Need to work on the build and maven files.

Craig Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System
408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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