Attendees: Michael Bouschen, Michael Watzek, Michelle Caisse, Matthew Adams, Martin Zaun, Craig Russell, Erik Bengtson, and Geoff Hendry.

Our regular meeting was held Friday, May 13 at 9 am PST to discuss JDO TCK issues and status.

Dial-in numbers are:

866 230-6968   294-0479#
International: +1 865 544-7856


1. XML Schema (Brian T - specifics on orm dtd issues, Craig - dtd issues fixed?)

Craig checked in changes to the jdo.dtd and orm.dtd.

AI: Michelle will try the changes.

2. JDO API release on ibiblio (Brian T, Craig)

no change to status.

3. Detached objects (Matthew)

No committer badge. But no changes to code. AI: Craig to ask Geir where the committers' badges are for Matthew, Erik, and Michael Watzek.

4. Test development status (Michelle)

Field types (collections and arrays too) are checked in. Need to figure out how to get metadata for SimpleClass read in first. Down to 82 errors, about 20 failures. Using beta3 which was just released. Takes a little over an hour to run tck20 compared to 15 minutes to run tck11.

5. Apache nightly builds (Brian)

no change.

7. Other  issues  and status (any and all)

Problem with splitting out runtime and query. defines the StoreManager interface and abstract StoreManagerImpl. They have references to the query package. Proposal is to move 4 interfaces in query having to do with QueryResult from query to runtime.

Tortoise helps using svn with Windows. AI: Matthew send link to the site.

We added foreign keys to the PCRect table and we have test case that tries to include null-valued PCPoints. This might be a test case bug.

TestArrayColllections still fails with SimpleInterface[] and SimpleClass[] field types. AI: Erik to see if this is a test case bug or a JPOX issue. AI: Erik to try the tck without generating schema.

What happens if the column attribute in field element conflicts with a column element? This is a spec issue for the experts to resolve. I guess it's an error.

JSR 924 (Java SE 5 extensions) need to be examined to see their effect on the enhancer. AI: Martin to investigate and see about upgrading the ri11 to use the new extensions.

Mahesh ported the ri11 enhancer to use ASM library instead of its own classfile library. Future project: to port the changes back to use in a future ri20 project.

Geoff Hendry's implementation of JDO, JDOMax, has not yet run against the tck20. AI: Geoff try to get tck20 to run with JDOMax.

Craig Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System
408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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