Releases from the incubator are fine. The release needs to say "in incubation" somehow, and the Incubator PPMC has the final say on it (release is technically by the incubator PPMC).

Process to do so (I think):

1) Release manager (RM) tags said release candidate

2) RM builds binaries, signs em, and makes them available to the incubator PPMC. This is *not* a release and should not be publicized as such.

3) Start vote for release on incubator list.


nb: I personally feel that putting binaries together rather than voting to release based on the tag is not a good approach, but "you vote on binaries" has been established somewhere in the past for the incubator, I am pretty sure.

On Jul 25, 2005, at 11:18 AM, Andy Jefferson wrote:

I asked this question back in April and got a response that it wasn't possible while in this Incubator or something. Since we have users asking for this, and since we have to coordinate JPOX releases to match it, I'll ask again ...

Can we please have the Apache JDO jar released somewhere so that people can
download it ? By all means mark it with a date, or SNAPSHOT, or
USE_THIS_AT_YOUR_OWN_RISK, but please release it somewhere.

Any Apache person prepared to venture an estimate when this can be done ? It's
been an Action Item on the minutes of the TCK minutes since May.

Java Persistent Objects - JPOX

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