Hi Michael, Brian,

If we clean up in setUp, who cleans up after the last test? The information about what needs to be cleaned up is lost at the end of the test run.

-- Michelle

Michael Bouschen wrote:

Hi Brian,

I see your point, especially checking the datastore state afterwards is an issue with the current way of cleaning up. The reason for doing the cleanup in tearDown was that the test knows which instances it created, so it knows what needs to be cleaned up. In setUp you do not know what the previous test left behind.

Maybe we should support both: cleanup in setUp or in tearDown and let the user decide by setting properties. I could imagine properties like CleanupAtSetup and CleanupAtTeardown both having values yes/no and reasonable defaults. If we go for supporting cleanup in setUp methods addTearDownObjectId and addTearDownInstance do not make sense anymore and should be removed.

Regards Michael

Minor point, but I would suggest doing it in setUp() for a couple reasons:

* You know datastore is in good state before test runs instead of after
* You can examine datastore state afterwards to double check things manually
* If things go wrong during the test, the evidence isn't erased

On Aug 9, 2005, at 5:51 PM, Craig Russell wrote:


I'm thinking a better way of cleaning up might be:

Extent toBeDeleted = pm.getExtent(parameterClass, false);
Query toBeDelete = pm.newQuery(parameterClass, toBeDeleted);

This doesn't require that the query be executed except for the purposes of calling the jdoPreDelete callback, which is not an issue in the TCK.

Does JPOX support this? Would it help (I'm thinking of the issue with CompletenessTest not cleaning up because of issues with loading the instances).


Craig Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System http://java.sun.com/products/jdo
408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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