
I'd like to clarify the specification for the object-id for instances created using pm.newInstance.

Here's the original text, for context.

The following method is used to create an instance of a persistence-capable interface, or of a concrete or abstract class.
Object newInstance(Class persistenceCapable);
The parameter must be one of the following:
an abstract class that is declared in the metadata using the class element, or
an interface that is declared in the metadata using the interface element, or
a concrete class that is declared in the metadata as persistence-capable. In this case, there must be a public no-args constructor.
The returned instance is transient, and is an “instanceof” the parameter. Applications might use the instance via the get and set property methods and change its life cycle state exactly as if it were an instance of a persistence-capable class.

Here's the clarification to be added:

For interfaces and classes that use a SingleFieldIdentity as the object-id class, if the returned instance is subsequently made persistent, the target class stored in the object-id instance is the parameter of the newInstance method that created it.

Craig Russell

Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System

408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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