Hi Bin,

Yes. it's in red below. Hope you can see red.


On Jan 3, 2006, at 6:07 PM, Bin Sun wrote:


    Excuse me, but I can't see implicit variable
declaration in this proposal. Am I missing something?

--- Craig L Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Michael,

Sounds good. One addition below.

On Jan 3, 2006, at 3:03 PM, Michael Bouschen wrote:

Hi Craig,

here is my proposal:

Names in the filter are treated as parameters if
they are  
explicitly declared via declareParameters or if
they begin with ??
Names are treated as variable names if they are
explicitly declared  
via declareVariables.
Names are treated as field or property names if
they are fields or  
properties of the candidate class.
Names are treated as class names if they exist in
the package of  
the candidate class or have been imported.
or if they are in the java.lang package. e.g.
Integer. [we did this  
in other places.]


Names are treated as package names if they are
part of the package  
qualifier of a class name in a static field

Otherwise, names are treated as implicitly defined
variable names.

In a dot _expression_ the left to the dot determines
the context for  
the evaluation of the name to the right of the
dot. This name is  
never resolved to a parameter or variable.

Regards Michael

Hi Michael,

On Dec 29, 2005, at 3:10 PM, Michael Bouschen

Hi Craig,

Hi Michael,

Could you please try to rewrite the proposal
including the class  
name bit that you identified below? For some
reason, I'm having  
a hard time with it.

sure, I will try to rewrite.


But I would like clarify first whether JDOQL
should support fully  
qualified class names in static field access or
not. So is the  
following _expression_ legal:
 this.field > com.xyz.hr.MyClass.MY_STATIC_FIELD
or should it be
 this.field > MyClass.MY_STATIC_FIELD
with MyClass being imported.

Either should work.


Regards Michael



On Dec 29, 2005, at 1:00 PM, Michael Bouschen

Hi Craig,


I like your proposal: "... members of the
candidate class, or  
they are qualified by the class and can be
resolved to a  
static field of that name in the specified
class....". Please  
note this includes that the the class
qualifier might be a  
fully qualified class name. So for a path
_expression_ 'a.b.c'  
the query compiler needs to analyze the
entire path  
_expression_, before it can decide that 'a' is
an implicit  

I was hoping for a rule that would allow the
compiler to  
determine that "a" is a class name not an
implicit variable,  
without using the existence of b.c in a to
determine it.

The case that 'a' is a class name is easy. The
compiler can  
check if 'a' is in the the package of the
candidate class or is  
imported. And there is no need to look at
'b.c' to resolve 'a'.

The analysis gets complicated if 'a' is part
of the package  
name in a fully qualified class name, e.g.  
com.xyz.hr.MyClass.MY_STATIC_FIELD. Here the
compiler should  
not treat 'com' as an implicit variable. But
it needs to  
analyze 'com.xyz.hr.MyClass' before it can
decide that 'com' is  
part of a package name.

Due to the common practice of starting
variable names with  
lower-case and classes with upper-case, I
think that this is  
probably a corner case.

For the user this is a corner case, but not
for the compiler.  
It does not pay attention to common practice
of identifier  
naming :-).

But I'm still hoping that we can have an
unambiguous rule,  
inserting something into the rule below after
"names are  
treated as field names if they are members of
the candidate  
class":  "Names are treated as a class name
if it exists in  
the package of the candidate class or has
been imported".

This is more clear, but it does not allow
fully qualified class  
names in a static field access _expression_.
This might be ok,  
given the fact that a static field access will
not be very  
common in a JDOQL query. But the spec should
explicitly state  
this, since this is different in other parts
of JDOQL: you can  
use a fully qualified class in
variable/parameter declarations  
or in cast expressions.

Regards Michael


Regards Michael

Hi Craig,

Names in the filter are treated as
parameters if they are  
declared via declareParameters or if they
begin with ??  

=== message truncated ===

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Craig Russell

Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System http://java.sun.com/products/jdo

408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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