I'm afraid I won't be able to make today's meeting due to my attendance at OSCON.

If anyone has cycles, creating a patched JDO 2.1.1-SNAPSHOT and uploading it to the http://people.apache.org/repo/m1-snapshot-repository/ would be possible anticipating an official release (which will take at least a week).

I sent a message regarding the security issue for generated classes and don't have any solution at present.


On Jul 24, 2008, at 9:35 PM, Michelle Caisse wrote:


We will have our regular meeting Friday, July 25 at 9 am PDT to discuss JDO TCK issues and status.

Dial-in numbers are:
Domestic (toll-free):  866 230-6968
International (caller-paid):  +1 213 787-0528
Access code :  294-0479#


1. Security issue with generated classes
2. JDO2 API manifest problem
3. Other issues

Action Items from weeks past:

[Jun 20 2008] AI: Craig reply to Joerg regarding bidirectional relationships and possibly update the spec to include the rationale.

[Feb 1 2008] AI Matthew see what would be needed to update the PMF contract to support ServiceLoader.

[Nov 30 2007] AI Christiaan propose more details on Update/copy by query for post-JDO 2.1.

[May 25 2007] AI everyone download the Grails demo from grails.org and check it out. Also look at Grails/Groovy ExpandoMetaClass that has the magic to avoid reflection and enhancement.

[May 25 2007] AI Matthew Adams prepare a proposal with just the basics of schema synchronization with jdo and orm metadata.

[Aug 11 2006] AI Craig propose some semantics for behavior if user tries to add to a list where the ordering element is incorrect.

[Sep 2 2005] AI: To recruit members: Articles on TheServerSide directing attention to the site. T-shirts. AI: Craig write a ServerSide article.

-- Michelle

Craig L Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System http://java.sun.com/products/jdo
408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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