Attendees: Michelle Caisse, Michael Bouschen, Craig Russell

NOTE: The next meeting will be January 9 2009.


1.  (JDO-591) Enhancer Invocation API:

A few notes: The requirement for the enhancer is to have access to the byte codes of the classes to be enhanced. This could consist of files to be opened or resource names to be found using the class loader. For output, either the -d directory name or output in place, and with output in place the resource option is not viable. The directory that is the subject of the current discussion is a path to the location of files. A directory can contain class files or metadata files or both. If the user's intent is for everything in the directory to be enhanced, then perhaps we should use a more standard option such as "- r" to recursively search subdirectories.

Many of these issues might be better discussed in light of the specification. AI: Craig write up the enhancement specification for review by the group

2. Other issues


Action Items from weeks past:

[Nov 30 2007] AI Christiaan propose more details on Update/copy by query for post-JDO 2.1.

[May 25 2007] AI Matthew Adams prepare a proposal with just the basics of schema synchronization with jdo and orm metadata.

-- Michelle

Craig L Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System
408 276-5638
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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