This is a summary of the specification updates I'll be making for the final 2.3 spin. Please comment.

Specification updates for JDO 2.3:

These JIRA issues are included in JDO 2.3. The following issues involve updates to the specification.

The specification draft dated 2009-05-18 contains many of these changes. Additional changes are noted below:

591: Add JDOEnhancer to invoke enhancer programmatically

Added 23.22 to describe JDOEnhancer api
*** Need to compare api with final version in svn

615: Metadata API

Added 11.10 for new PMF methods
Added 19.2 for JDOMetadata methods
*** Need to compare api with final version in svn

616: Fix generated specification formatting for subheads

Will be addressed during final document generation

621: Add javax.jdo.Enhancer to call enhancer from the command line

Added 23.3.1to describe calling javax.jdo.Enhancer
*** Need to compare api with final version in svn

622: Add extensions to @Order

Updated 19.1.30 to include extensions

623: Query timeout and cancel

*** Need to update all sections to change from QueryTimeout to DatastoreTimeout
Updated 11.1 to describe query timeout
Added 11.1.1 to specify javax.jdo.option.QueryTimeoutMillis as a construction property
Updated 11.6 for optional feature javax.jdo.option.QueryCancel
*** Need to add after 11.10 description of PMF get/ setQueryTimeoutMillis
Updated 12.6.3 PM query factory with get/setQueryTimeoutMillis
Updated 14.6.1 to describe query cancel APIs cancel(Thread) and cancelAll()
Updated 14.6.1 to describe query timeout

630: Exact class in SingleFieldIdentity

Updated 12.6.5 with description of getObjectById with validate false
*** Need to update description with new assertions based on test case

500: no action needed
596: no action needed
557: no action needed
606: no action needed
608: no action needed
609: no action needed
611: no action needed
612: no action needed
613: no action needed
614: no action needed
618: no action needed
628: no action needed
626: no action needed
629: no action needed
634: no action needed
635: no action needed
636: no action needed
640: no action needed
641: no action needed
642: no action needed
645: no action needed
646: no action needed
649: no action needed

Craig L Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System
408 276-5638
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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