Attendees: Michael Bouschen, Michelle Caisse, Craig L Russell


1. Missing DTD/XSD from SUN/Oracle website. Craig to follow up.

2. Maven2 upgrade. Michelle has assigned this to herself. The api project has already been converted to use maven 2, but the artifacts that are generated need to be checked out. The tck project needs a maven plugin in order to perform the tck with "run once", "run with datastore identity", "run with application identity", "run derby", "run mysql", "run ri", "run iut", etc. The plugin will need to be a separate project and then the tck would depend on the plugin project.

3. Other issues

The JDO 3.0 artifacts have not yet been referenced by the download page. AI Craig update the download page.

As an official Apache release, we can get publicity. AI Craig talk to PR and see what we can talk about.

There was a comment that JDO 3.0 had removed a class that was published in the JDO 2.3 early access. AI Michael reply to the original poster that we have a new official release and suggest that there is a substitute class available in JDO 3.0 that can be used.

Craig L Russell
Architect, Oracle
408 276-5638
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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