NOTE: There will be no meeting next week, April 29 2011

Attendees: Michelle Caisse, Michael Bouschen, Craig Russell


1. Typesafe queries for JDOQL - discussion.

Annotation tool DataNucleus bug filed and fixed.

What dependencies are introduced by the annotation processor? The "Q" classes generated by DataNucleus extend PersistableExpressionImpl. There would need to be an equivalent JDO standard class to extend. The candidate() method would need to return an implementation-specific instance that implements a JDO standard interface.

Michael has modified the tck project to be able to test the new query feature. AI Michael send a patch so we can see how to do it.

Ideally, the typesafe query could be created by the pmf and only bound to the pm when it needs to become stateful (range, parameters, timeout). But this would mean that there needs to be another method to create a bound query from a query definition, which might be awkward (not as easy to use).

Is the current Query really stateless? What about range, timeout, and read-only? These are state of the query instance. You might consider read-only to be part of the query definition but it's hard to not think of range and timeout along with query parameters as anything but state.

The current Query was created long before annotations, generics, autoboxing, and variable parameters. Some of its core architecture looks a bit old without these features. But there are many good things about it as well that we should try to incorporate into the typesafe query pattern.

2.  Other issues

It looks like there is substantial work remaining on query. Should we look at making a release 3.1 and query for 3.2?

The tck doesn't work with Michelle's Windows 7 machine. Holding up the exectck maven2 checkin.

Action Items from weeks past:
[April 8 2011] AI Craig comment on re the utility of the update operator. [Feb 25 2011] AI Michael, Craig, other volunteers: Look at Typesafe ... query capability for JDOQL

Craig L Russell
Architect, Oracle
408 276-5638
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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