Attendees: Michael Bouschen, Michelle Caisse, Craig Russell


  1. README.html under trunk needs to be reviewed.

Maven: need at least maven 2 to build. But should we remove the reference to mevenide? Yes. AI Michael send a patch with more review.

  2. log4j class loader, no enhancer log output with maven 2:

When activating the iut profile, all other profiles are deactivated. You have to specify all profiles that you want.

  3. Refactor JDO parent & child poms

Seems like a good pattern. Ship it.

  4. Create JIRA "component" entry for exectck & parent-pom modules

Close as "won't fix".

  5. Issues fixed with setting autoCreateTables=false

Michael changed the mapping by adding the schema to the package. With these settings (checked in) the tck now runs on Derby without auto create tables.

Separately, we might consider changing the specification to require using the schema with sequence names. AI Michael create a JIRA for the specification change.

6. What's needed to release 3.1? Go to , click "Issues" in the menu on the left and then click "JDO 3 maintenacnce release 1 (3.1)" under "Unresolved: By Version"

  7. Standardize field/property converters:

How does the user specify conversions of field values? This is a topic currently being discussed in another expert group. AI Matthew update the JIRA.

  8. Other issues

The latest tck run shows an error on runonce signature test. has a new method for the discriminator:

* Discriminator for cases where the embedded object has inheritance.
     * @return the discriminator for inheritance determination
    Discriminator discriminatorColumnName() default @Discriminator;

The signature test parser isn't prepared to deal with this construction. AI Michael file a JIRA for this.

  Action Items from weeks past:

[April 8 2011] AI Craig comment on re the utility of the update operator. [Sep 23 2011] AI Michael document when changing dependencies (to DataNucleus) it's necessary to rebuild the exectck project before running tck.

Craig L Russell
Architect, Oracle
408 276-5638
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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