I like the name copyjdorijars. Can it also copy log4j.properties to lib/jdori?

-- Michelle

On 5/20/2012 11:48 AM, Michael Bouschen wrote:

We now assume that the necessary jars to run the RI need to be copied to the user's jdori lib directory. Is there an easier way than manual copying to get the jar files into the right place? AI Michael investigate some other way to copy the jar files.

the maven-dependency-plugin allows to copy all the dependencies in a specified location.

I propose to add a new module parallel to api, exectck and tck. It will have the datanucleus jars as dependencies and the only purpose is to copy these jars into lib/jdori.

I'm looking for a good name for such a module, for now I use "copyjdorijars". Does anybody have a better idea for a name? I will provide a patch, as soon as I have a good name.

Regards Michael

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