Attendees: Michael Bouschen, Michelle Caisse


1. News on JDO-678 "Ability to set properties on PersistenceManager"
No news.

2. JDO release candidate
The release will consist of the api jar file and source for api, tck, exectck, copyjdorijars, and all build files, all in one archive file. Maven 2 builds the jar file automatically on "mvn package". The trick is to get the source files spanning multiple maven projects into one archive file. Michael will investigare using the maven assembly plug-in for this task.

3. Other issues

We have noticed a recent increase in spam pages added to the jdo wiki. We have been deleting them quickly and will discuss if the amount of spam becomes unmanageable.

Action items completed:
Completed: [May 31 2013] AI Michelle: add an empty Appendix K to put the table into and update the book to include it. Completed with Matthew's email to jdo-user, which Michael forwarded to jdo-dev: [May 10 2013] AI Matthew take a deeper look into the way how JPA defines entity graphs (centralized vs. distributed across the metadata in JDO

-- Michelle

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