Hi Tilman,

Gavin just added the settings as you requested. I see a link "Apache DB
JDO web site https://db.apache.org/";. Is this the link you were talking

Regards Michael
> Attendees: Michael Bouschen, Tilmann Zäschke, Craig Russell
> Next meeting: Monday December 2 10:00 AM PST
> Agenda:
> 1. JDO-779 "Migrate JDO Homepage / Online Documentation" 
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JDO-779 
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-17979 
> https://tzaeschke.github.io/test-jdo-asciidoc/ 
> Initial port from svn to git has been done by Tilmann. Now working on 
> cleaning up the github repository. 
> Add README.md with instructions how to publish the generated site
> Request infra to add settings to allow viewing the repo as a web site
> 2. JDO-712 "Require using the PMF schema definition with sequence names" 
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JDO-712 
> Need to update specification, modify TCK test and patch DataNucleus to cater 
> for the new spec. Volunteer needed.
> 3. JDO-652 "Provision of a typesafe refactor-friendly query capability for 
> JDOQL" https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JDO-652
> 4. JDO-778 "Adding overloaded methods to JDOQLTypedQuery to create a 
> correlated subquery" https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JDO-778
> Michael wrote a test case which failed. AI Michael update the JIRA with the 
> failing lines of code. The non-typed query works but the typed query fails. 
> The proposed API change might also need to be modified.
> 5. Issues with Fix Version JDO-3.2 
> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20JDO%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%20%22JDO%203.2%22%20ORDER%20BY%20status%20ASC>
> 6. Release Policy Updates
> 7. JDO 3.1: Need to go through change lists in JIRA for 3.1 RC1 and 3.1 to 
> prepare JCP Change Log
> 8. Other issues
> Action Items from weeks past:
> [Aug 22 2019] AI Craig post some updates from email to the JIRA.
> [May  6 2019] AI All: Look at other projects in Apache that use Jekyll or 
> github pages for generating pages. Also need to set up the directory and file 
> structure. 
> [Apr 25 2019] AI All: find a project to model 
> https://github.com/apache/incubator-skywalking http://skywalking.apache.org 
> https://lists.apache.org/list.html?bui...@apache.org:lte=7M:
> [Oct 30 2015] AI Craig: File a maintenance review with JCP
> [Apr 17 2015] AI Craig: Oracle spec page on JDO need to be updated once the 
> JCP Maintenance Release for JDO 3.1 is published
> [Oct 17 2014] AI Matthew any updates for "Modify specification to address 
> NoSQL datastores": https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JDO-651?
> [Feb 28 2014] AI Everyone: take a look at 
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JDO-712
> [Feb 28 2014] AI Everyone: take a look at 
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JDO-625
> [Dec 13 2013] AI Craig file a JIRA for java.sql.Blob and java.sql.Clob as 
> persistent field types
> [Aug 24 2012] AI Craig update the JIRAs JDO-689 JDO-690 and JDO-692 about 
> JDOHelper methods. In process.
> Craig L Russell
> c...@apache.org

Michael Bouschen
akquinet tech@spree GmbH
Bülowstraße 66 • D-10783 Berlin
Tel:   +49 30 235520-33
Fax:  +49 30 217520-12

E-Mail: michael.bousc...@akquinet.de <mailto:michael.bousc...@akquinet.de>
Web:   www.akquinet.de <http://www.akquinet.de/>

Geschäftsführung: Martin Weber, Dr. Torsten Fink, Heinz Wilming
Amtsgericht Berlin HRB 86780 • USt.-Id. Nr.: DE 225 964 680

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