Attendees: Michael Bouschen, Tilmann Zäschke, Tobias Bouschen, Craig Russell

Next meeting: Thursday February 17 11:00 PST 20:00 CET

1. DB website migration Anything left?
Done and done. 

2. JCP JSR-243 publishing the dtds and xsds
JCP does not take responsibility for publishing these files. 
AI Craig: update the JIRA to disclaim the location of the files (will not fix). 
JDO Implementations should use the URL as a key.
AI Michael: file a new JIRA to change the text of the URL to refer to an actual 
Apache location. NOT for 3.2.

3. JDO 3.2 Release Update to release instructions for download pages
AI Tilmann: file a JIRA to reorganize the download page(s).

4. New db-jdo-site pull request "3.2 initial"
Done and done.

5. New db-jdo pull request "upgrade Felix maven-bundle-plugin for Reproducible"
AI Michael merge the PR and Test.
AI Tilmann update the HowToRelease document.

6. JDK 18 Rampdown Phase 2 & JDK 19 Early-Access Builds (see Craig's email)
AI Tobias: investigate setting up the CI build to support JDK 17.

7. Issues with Fix Version JDO-3.2

8. Other issues

Action Items from weeks past:
[Feb 02 2022] AI Craig file a JIRA with infra to change reply-to notifications 
[Jan 27 2022] AI Craig update the instructions in the 3.2  branch and create a 
new PR for the changes. This will include putting the proposed release into the 
dev directory before the vote. DONE.
[Jan 20 2022] AI Craig look at the specification and see if we should update 
the J2EE reference to Jakarta or keep it and assume that people know what the 
J2EE story is.
[Jan 20 2022] AI Craig ask JCP to publish the 3.2 dtd and xsd files. DONE.
[Jan 20 2022] AI Craig ask Oracle to redirect their JDO web page. 
[Jan 20 2022] AI Tilmann: finish the 3.2 release in git; call a vote for the 
3.2 on the jdo-dev list. The PMC will need to approve it.
[Dec 09 2021] AI Craig: Try to contact all current/former participants in JDO 
development and see if and how they want to be recognized on the JDO and DB web 
[Dec 02 2021] AI Tobias: find how to update and generate the web 
site. Message and ask if anyone has the latest 
information. If no response, ask for the truth.
[Oct 07 2021] AI Craig send a private message to all JSR-243 Expert Group 
members asking if they wish to continue.
[Mar 25 2021] AI Craig: investigate "merging" papajdo and apache.clr accounts
[Oct 17 2014] AI Matthew any updates for "Modify specification to address NoSQL 

Regards Michael

Craig L Russell

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