> Upon inspection of the TCK orm.xml files I find the embedded fields such as
> TreeSetCollections.TreeSetOfObject1 are supposed to be embedded in a join
> table, yet have no <embedded> block, though they do for the other java.util
> type tests.

FWIW The same comment applies to the ORM files for ArrayList (app id and ds 
id). List, LinkedList, Vector all have the <embedded> block, whereas ArrayList 

The requisite schema for ArrayList and TreeSet likewise don't have the 
embedded columns needed, so that would need updating too.
Currently, for those cases, it seems to be simply ignoring the embedded flag 
and storing the SimpleClass in its own table with FK across to it from the 
join table.

DataNucleus (Web: http://www.datanucleus.org   Twitter: @datanucleus)

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