Attendees: Michael Bouschen, Tobias Bouschen, Craig Russell

Next meeting: Tuesday September 3 1100 PDT 2000 CEST


1. JIRA JDO-842 "Q class specification of candidate() method"

Proposal from last week is to define the methods in the specification that are 
used in the TCK. 

Declare that some methods are not defined in the specification. For example, 
QClass.variable(String) is not needed to be defined as long as the TCK uses the 
method in the JDOQLTypedQuery.variable(String, Class).

AI propose PR for specification (query chapter) and API (javadoc) and TCK 
(query tests). Use branches JDO-842 for this work. The specification has its 
own repository.

Work in progress (specification):

public static QClass candidate()
The behavior of this method is not defined.

public static QClass candidate(String name)
This method returns a new instance of QClass with the specified name. The name 
may be used in the JDO implementation when executing queries. Thus instances of 
the candidate returned by this method must not be reused. And the name must be 
unique in the execution of a query.

public static QClass variable(String name)
The behavior of this method is not defined.

public static QClass parameter(String name)
The behavior of this method is not defined.

2. JIRA JDO-812 "Move to JDK 11 as the lowest supported version"

3. sonarcloud issues

 * JIRA JDO-819 "Code quality analysis"
 * JIRA JDO-823 "Fix sonarcloud issues of type Code Smells"
 * Sonarcloud link:
 * Cognitive Complexity of methods should not be too high:
 * Raw types should not be used:

4. Other issues

Action Items from weeks past:

[Jan 02 2024] AI everyone: see if anyone can see a problem with the parallel 
execution of tests and
[Jul 13 2023] AI All Open a new JIRA for Android since having JNDI in the API 
disallows use with Android
[Jun 08 2023] AI All make a JIRA: JDO support for Java Records
[Dec 09 2021] AI Craig: Try to contact all current/former participants in JDO 
development and see if and how they want to be recognized on the JDO and DB web 
[Oct 07 2021] AI Craig send a private message to all JSR-243 Expert Group 
members asking if they wish to continue.
[Mar 25 2021] AI Craig: investigate "merging" papajdo and apache.clr accounts
[Oct 17 2014] AI Matthew any updates for "Modify specification to address NoSQL 
datastores "

Craig L Russell

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