Branch: refs/heads/continue-build-defect-fix-Sep
  Commit: e729ecc2f6052a969bd2c39fe958fb812393e2a1
  Author: <>
  Date:   2021-09-15 (Wed, 15 Sep 2021)

  Changed paths:
    M src/main/java/com/checkmarx/jenkins/
    M src/main/resources/com/checkmarx/jenkins/CxScanBuilder/config.jelly

  Log Message:
  To fix the existing plugin issue AB#2436, "Enable Synchronous scan" field was 
missing when at global configuration level, "Globally Define vulnerability 
thresholds for all jobs" and "Always use the defined global vulnerability 
thresholds" both options are selected. Even after fixing the UI visibility 
issue, scan was always running in synchronous mode even though "Enable 
Synchronous Mode" was deselected . And When "Generate XML Report" option was 
selected which was under "Enable Synchronous Scan" section, null pointer 
exception was getting thrown. To resolve that the UI field "Generate XML 
Report" option is removed

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