Hi, people!

I bumped into a problem with some third-party libraries (namely, 
dasein-cloud-nimbula) that I am trying to use within a plugin. 
The library depends on log4j version no less than 1.2.15, but jenkins.war 
contains 1.2.9 that has classpath precedence over one supplied in plugin 
(or I guess so).
That conflict causes *java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 
org.apache.log4j.Logger.isTraceEnabled()Z* errors due to the method absent 
in 1.2.9.

mvn depency:tree points that log4j dependency comes from a *
org.acegisecurity.acegi-security* dependency in core/pom.xml, put pom for 
the acegi-security contains no version specification in log4j dependency. see 

My questions are:

   1. can log4j in Jenkins be promoted to the latest version? If so, I 
   could create a pull request as soon as someone points me the way to do it.
   2. how can I override that dependency problem in my plugin's pom.xml? 
   Maybe, thats not a problem at all.

Testbed that gives me the error is *mvn hpi:run* in my plugin dev project. 

TY for any help or hints.

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