Activiti Explorer creates several default users. One that I remember is
username:kermit, password:kermit. This is an admin user and should be able
to create additional users.

2012/12/9 Max Spring <>

> What do I need to do so I can log in to AE and assign user tasks to users?
> -Max
> On 12/09/2012 07:09 AM, Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
>> This was because I've removed the preliminary authentication integration
>> (we were trouble-shooting why manual tasks newly created in Jenkow
>> workflows don't show up in AE.)
>> I think for the time being I'll go the federated route (where the
>> authentication in AE needs to be set up separately but Jenkins will provide
>> SSO) instead of taking over AE identity service.
>> AE wants a lot of ability (such as being able to search an user,
>> presumably so that you can assign tasks to them) that Jenkins doesn't
>> provide in its abstraction.
>> 2012/12/8 Max Spring < <mailto:
>>     Done with merging the activiti-explorer branch to master.
>>     With the now separate Activiti Explorer plugin, I'm unable to login
>> to AE.
>>     Even turned on security (Jenkins' own user database), AE doesn't let
>> me in using same username/password as on the Jenkins side.
>>     -Max
>>     On 12/08/2012 05:49 PM, Max Spring wrote:
>>         I'm merging the activiti-explorer branch to master.
>>         These two artifactItems should not actually be in the POM any
>> more, right?
>> _explorer/jenkow-plugin/pom.__**xml#L206<><
>> explorer/jenkow-plugin/pom.**xml#L206<>
>> >
>>         Thanks!
>>         -Max
>>         On 12/07/2012 07:02 PM, Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
>>             As we discussed in IRC, I moved the activiti explorer part to
>> a separate plugin and the activiti-explorer branch in the jenkow-plugin
>> repository is now ready to be merged to the trunk.
>>             The merge is virtually conflict free, so I'll let you pick
>> the timing to merge this back into the trunk.
>>             On 11/28/2012 12:01 PM, Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
>>                 This is mainly to Max,
>>                 Over the Thanksgiving break, I hacked more on the Jenkow
>> plugin (in the
>>                 activiti-explorer branch.)
>>                 I successfully embedded Activiti Explorer (AE) inside the
>> plugin. You
>>                 load the plugin, you hit http://localhost:8080/__**
>> activiti-explorer/ <http://localhost:8080/__activiti-explorer/> <
>> http://localhost:8080/**activiti-explorer/<http://localhost:8080/activiti-explorer/>>
>> and
>>                 you'll see AE embedded within.
>>                 I've also created database-plugin [1,2] that defines a
>> common
>>                 abstraction for connecting database (more about this in a
>> separate
>>                 post.) I've used that in this branch to let the
>> administrator configure
>>                 the backend database for Activiti.
>>                 Both the embedded AE and the activiti engine that the
>> Jenkow plugin uses
>>                 honor this configuration.
>>                 I've also took a stub at integrating authentication
>> between Jenkins and
>>                 AE --- if you run AE stand-alone, you'll see that it asks
>> you to login
>>                 to the app. But in the embedded code, I alter the way AE
>> wires the
>>                 components to inject our own code that relies on Jenkins
>> to do the
>>                 authentication. So in effect it creates a single sign-on.
>>                 The good thing about AE is that it has a contract
>> interface for the
>>                 identity/authentication service separated from its default
>>                 implementation, and this is how I was able to swap in
>> Jenkins auth as
>>                 the backend.
>>                 However, the bad thing about AE is that the assumption
>> that AE makes
>>                 about the identity/authentication service is so strict
>> that even if I go
>>                 all the way of implementing this contract (with Jenkins
>> SecurityRealm as
>>                 the real backend), we won't be able to avoid some
>> clunkiness --- for
>>                 example, it has methods like changePassword.
>>                 So another conceivable approach is to do federation ---
>> we have
>>                 administrators define uses and groups in AE as it is
>> today, then we let
>>                 Jenkins users to be linked with AE users, so that once
>> you login to
>>                 Jenkins, you automatically login as the corresponding
>> linked user in AE.
>>                 Also, now that I've done it, I think it might make more
>> sense for the
>>                 embedded AE to be in a separate plugin from Jenkow. Or
>> maybe not, given
>>                 that presumably it doesn't prevent other AE instances to
>> run elsewhere
>>                 that connects to the same database.
>>                 This act of embedding a real web application inside
>> another web
>>                 application was an interesting work that I really had fun
>> with.
>>                 Your thoughts would be appreciated.
>>                 [1]**
>> display/JENKINS/Database+__**Plugin<><
>> >
>>                 [2] 
>> >
>> --
>> Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Kohsuke Kawaguchi

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