Hi, Sam!

Its great to hear of your interest in that plugin!
It happens that I am original developer of the thing and I'm glad to see 
that it found some usage?
Could you please tell what are the new features you are planning to add? We 
are coming to the next iteration of the plugin development in a week or two 
so we can cooperate a bit.
Also, what is your deployment environment? What are you accomplishing with 
the help of the plugin?

Best regards,
Ivan Kalinin.

On Saturday, January 26, 2013 11:09:21 PM UTC+4, Sam Kottler wrote:
> Hi,
> Development seems to have become stagnant on the plugin and I'd like to 
> work on adding some features and fixing bugs I've come across with the 
> fairly large deployment I currently maintain.
> Thanks and let me know if you have any questions!
> -Sam


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