Hi all,
I want to ask  advise how could be done job/build start from one jekins
on another(and possible results sync, dependency view, simple switching
between parent and child jobs). I cannot find any way internally in
Jenkins for inter-instance interactions. Do I lost anything?  if I want
to implement in jenkins it what I should look in sources?

Just now I  implement it in my scripts with jenkic cli interface usage.
But there is issue that jenkins-cli.jar(and corresponding code which
process 'build' action) split parameters directly without getting in
account that spaces,commas,slashes could be used as part of parameter.

E.g. if I pass parameter
'http://host:port/jenkins/job/xxx/./MODE=normal,NODE=salve1/805/' then I
got on remote side  received parameter like this

Is it know issue? Is jenkins-cli actual project?


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