OK, here's your test case.
1- Install Msys and add the '/bin' folder to the PATH environment variable
2- Put this into the 'c:\Users\JohnDoe\Downloads\jenkins_tee.bat' file :
@echo off
rem For correct string substitution, need delayed variable expansion
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "vlog=jenkins_tee.log"
set "clog=| tee -a %vlog%"
echo /// Wait, listing all *.exe files from c:
dir "c:\*.exe" /B /A:-D /ON /S >> "jenkins_tee.lst" 2>nul
if exist "jenkins_tee.lst" (
    echo /// Now logging output
    for /f "delims=!" %%a in (jenkins_tee.lst) do (
        echo %%a %clog%
3- Launch it directy and notice how fast it goes after having listed the 
*.exe files
4- Create a Jenkins job and add a 'Execute Windows batch command' you fill 
with :
cd "c:\Users\JohnDoe\Downloads\"
echo CD=%CD%
call ".\jenkins_tee.bat"
5- Run the job and notice how slow it goes after having listed the *.exe 
6- No profit :( :( :(

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