On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 3:24 AM, Niklaus Giger <niklaus.gi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Runs a fetch each time the user enters the "Build with parameter".

Why would you not just use ‘git ls-remote -t’ and avoid the need for
any local clone?

> Added MIT-LICENSE.txt to use the same license as Jenkins-CI.

BTW it suffices to specify <licenses> in the POM.

Also your POM has a lot of redundant info that you get for free from
the plugin parent POM. No <distributionManagement> is necessary, for
example. Nor do you need to declare the dependency on jenkins-core, or
the source level, or the encoding. I have improved the plugin
archetype POM to show the minimal recommended stuff:


> using git/ssh in developerConnection did not work. scm:git:https works fine
> for me
> mvn release:prepare release:perform did not work. Finally I used mvn deploy;
> mvn release:clean + adding -SNAPSHOT to version in pom.xml.

Yuck. When your local settings are configured properly, normal
release:{prepare,perform} with SSH developerConnection should work
fine. So you were probably missing an SSH private key, or were using a
version of Git unsupported by the default version of the Release
plugin, etc.

IMO we need to stop making (or even letting!) developers run plugin
releases locally. Better to use Jenkins for this. I do not really
trust the M2Release plugin but perhaps there can be a parallel set of
plugin release jobs that use a plain Maven build step. The main issue
is how to give broad enough access to let these jobs be triggered by
anyone able to push to the GH repo, without letting anonymous users do
it. (Maybe a special parameter type which redirects you in an iframe
to github.com to log in, grabs a temporary API token, then passes this
to the build long enough to authenticate the release?)

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