I use html report generated by lcov/HTML Publisher for details and
dbCharts for high-level graphs.
Cobertura for gcov is not so good choice, it is pretty unclean how
correctly intepret 'Packages',  'Files'  and 'Classes' especially for C.
In same time lcov covers 'Functions' metrics and have annotated sources
with touch counters per line.
I planned to use same solution for c performance report.


On 05/29/2014 02:34 PM, OnaBai wrote:
> I'm looking for some Jenkins plugin that takes the output of gprof and
> present the results in Jenkins. Something like Cobertura does for gcov.
> Is there anything like this?
> Is there any way for presenting C++ performance (profiling) results in
> Jenkins?
> Thanks in advance
> -- 
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