
Frankly I'm flattered that you'd want to include a plugin I wrote in core,
but I think the real problem is not really about bundling a plugin in
Jenkins or not. Everyone using Jenkins has different needs, and the fact
that there are so many plugins out there is just a proof of that.

As you said, it is more about the visibility of plugins; essential plugins
getting lost within the thousand plugins that Jenkins now have. There are a
few ideas that could be applied here (ideas taken from app stores)

- include download stats in the plugin manager and use it to rank plugins
within categories
- introduce a rating system for plugins (also use that to rank plugins)


2014-11-05 18:31 GMT+01:00 Kanstantsin Shautsou <kanstantsin....@gmail.com>:

> On Wednesday, November 5, 2014 7:26:25 PM UTC+3, Daniel Beck wrote:
>> On 05.11.2014, at 16:02, Kanstantsin Shautsou <kanstan...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> >> Depends on the kind of job. I'd rather not have builds than run
>> several hours and produce tens of GB of output to run whenever someone
>> checks something in, even though I could.
>> > "This may be the case in your particular company, product, or team, but
>> I really doubt it's universal. "
>> The difference is that I'm not trying to force new UI (that could be done
>> just as well in a plugin) on hundreds of thousands of users because I don't
>> want to install a trivial plugin that would add it to my installs.
> Instead of fixing things fundamentally you like having 1k plugins. Ok.
> UI buttons from core have been renamed from "Build" to "Build with
> parameters" plus other changes that affected all installations. This
> doesn't provide any improvements for end-users (it added only screwed width
> for the panels). Every release has broken things - it never stopped devs
> from breaking/fixing something.
>> Given how Jenkins works, it's much easier to add something that's not
>> provided out of the box than to remove something that is, further tipping
>> the scales towards not adding something to core.
>> So the burden is on you to show that it's necessary or useful for a large
>> number users, something you haven't done yet.
>> > This is because people don't know about certain plugins, because
>> jenkins full of useless plugins that hide from eyes good things.
>> This is about interest in the feature, not the plugin. If there were any
>> interest for the feature, there would be
>> - (tens of) thousands of installs of the plugin showing it's widely
>> considered useful, and/or
> - feature requests in Jira for a "Poll SCM" link with many votes and
>> watchers
> Votes? Really? Check the most voted issues and when they were created
> https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10120
> (plus some of them closed with comments "reopen for xxx plugin that
> appeared after Y years of initial request").
> Do you really need votes to update confluence plugin that fixes broken
> links?
> This way doesn't work. As i see i need only 50 votes to get third place,
> do you really want to play with this rating?
> Neither seems to be the case.
>> > How much plugins were merged to core in comparison to split?
>> SSH Slaves is the only plugin bundled with core that wasn't bundled due
>> to obvious interest of the project (Translation Assistance) or out of
>> necessity (detached plugins and dependencies of bundled plugins). And that
>> was five years ago.
>> I think the Windows Batch tool installer (the Windows equivalent to the
>> Shell Script tool installer) was available in a plugin before it was in
>> core. There is also an effort to add options from email-ext to the bundled
>> mailer, but I don't know its status. Note that the installer is a generic
>> admin only feature adding no overhead if you don't use it, and the need for
>> fine-grained control over build notification emails is a very common use
>> case as should be obvious from the number of installs of email-ext.
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