Hello! I'm working on a project to display the results of Jenkins builds in 
an external dashboard, and I've run into a fun conceptual problem.

I'd like to tell if a BuildStep had a good or bad outcome. A 'good' outcome 
is one in which the step executed as expected, while a 'bad' outcome is one 
in which somebody should probably take a look at the build to see what's 
wrong with it. For instance, if an Execute Shell command exited with return 
code 0, that's good; if it exited with return code 1, that's bad. 
Similarly, if a "Publish JUnit test result report" reports all tests 
passed, that's good, and if some tests failed, that's bad.

Currently I'm guessing the outcome of steps by heuristics: If the BuildStep 
made the build result worse, as reported by AbstractBuild#getResult, then 
we say the step had a bad outcome. If the BuildStep requests the step abort 
(that is, from our StepNotifier we see canContinue = false), the step had a 
bad outcome. And so on.

But such heuristics will still be wrong sometimes. Say one post-build 
action notices a test failed, and marks the build as unstable. Then a 
second post-build action notices another test failed. Since the build was 
already unstable, my plugin can't tell that the second action had a bad 
outcome; it didn't make the build's result any worse.

Of course, I can add more heuristics. (For instance, here I can hook into 
test result reporting, and say an action had a bad outcome if it reported 
some failing tests.) But I'll always guess wrong in some case. Is there a 
more general way to tell whether a step had a good or bad outcome?

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