Plugin released, any feedback welcome:

2015-11-18 6:22 GMT+01:00 Baptiste Mathus <>:

> OK, as we've tested it successfully, I'm going to fork it.
> Thanks
> 2015-11-17 11:14 GMT+01:00 Baptiste Mathus <>:
>> Hi,
>> Note: this is *not* a fork request.
>> Just an email here to get potential feedback about that plugin [1]. I've
>> already gotten some feedback from Daniel [2] and agreement from the
>> original author to take ownership [3].
>> This plugin adds a new trigger field which basically lets you plan simply
>> many parameterized executions using the typical cron format + an additional
>> list of parameters values.
>> Example :
>> */10 * * * * % param=X
>> */15 * * * * % param=Y
>> H * * * * [here it will execute with default values]
>> If you think this plugin is interesting, or is actually a bad idea,
>> please say it here!
>> Depending on the feedback, I may fork it quite soon, in the next few days.
>> Thanks
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> --
>> Baptiste
> --
> Baptiste <Batmat> MATHUS -
> Sauvez un arbre,
> Mangez un castor !

Baptiste <Batmat> MATHUS -
Sauvez un arbre,
Mangez un castor !

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