I have written a custom Jenkins plugin that provides build-steps and a few 
Jelly pages. I now need to implement some administration functions that can 
manipulate my plugin's state and also trigger jobs.

I assume that between Jelly and Stapler, that Jenkins already has 
From-data-binding and AJAX-calling well-established; but I can't seem to 
figure out how to pull it off in my own stand-alone Jelly file.

I am trying to use the "Validation Button 
<https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Jelly+form+controls>" approach 
by employing the form tag library (xmlns:f="/lib/form") in a Jelly file 
(e.g. http://localhost:8000/jenkins/plugin/myPlugin/administration) but my 
browser fails to find the Javascript method called "validateButton()". I 
tracked this method to the hudson-behavior.js which itself depends on other 
javascript objects.

*What is the best way to create a form and form-handling **in stand-alone 
Jelly files (e.g. not embedded Jelly files like config.jelly)**? **Preferably 
with automated data-binding and via AJAX calls?*

- David Payt

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