Created an issue to describe the need for this feature:

On Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at 7:48:02 PM UTC-7, Michael Giroux wrote:
> What can I do to get some traction on this pull request (
> <>)
>  The functionality is common to any type of maven release build, builds 
> performed by the maven plugin, and builds performed by manual build steps. 
>  The maven-release-plugin requires that the local branch name is the same 
> as the remote branch name, so it is necessary to have a way to derive local 
> branch name from the branch being built.  Since git plugin always includes 
> the remote name in the GIT_BRANCH variable, we need a new facility to strip 
> the remote name to derive the local branch name.  
> I'm running this plugin locally with no adverse effects, the new test 
> cases pass, and the code coverage appears to reflect decent test coverage.
> Michael
> On Tuesday, February 23, 2016 at 4:36:37 PM UTC-7, Michael Giroux wrote:
>> I have submitted a pull request to extend the functionality of 
>> LocalBranch to make it easier to configure a job that can be used to build 
>> any branch (via notifyCommit) and also perform maven builds on any branch 
>> using a combination of Git Parameter plugin, and LocalBranch extension (
>> <>
>> )
>> The main issue is that the maven release plugin requires that the local 
>> branch name is the same as the remote branch.  As described here (
>> the maven release plugin will 
>> perform a push as
>> git push pushUrl currentBranch:currentBranch
>> Hence, if we are doing a release build on origin/master, then the local 
>> branch needs to be master.
>> The new feature is triggered when LocalBranch is set to "**" or null 
>> (empty string).  The "**" is consistent with other "any branch" place 
>> holders throughout the existing git-plugin.

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