An important bugfix was recently merged to the CppCheck plugin repo 
(JENKINS-42727). It allows multiple instances of CppCheck builds to run 
concurrently without blocking each other. Each of my CppCheck builds takes 
about 1 hr to run, and I am unable to run them in parallel because of this 
bug. This bug is causing a substantial bottleneck in my pipeline, so I 
would really like the fix to be incorporated into a release so I can deploy 


The fix has already been merged into the project – someone just needs to 
make a new tagged release of this plugin. I have already contacted one of 
the admins for this plugin, who has said he does not work on it anymore. 
The other admin was not responsive.

How can I make a build of this plugin and release it myself? 

If I am not able to do it myself, who should I approach about doing it?


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