> On 24. Jan 2018, at 20:33, dave.dresser.c...@gmail.com wrote:
> Thanks for you help.  We are still confused here.  Somehow we have two ID's 
> cpwr_jenkins and cpwr_jenkins_plugin.  I'm not completely clear on the 
> history due to changing personnel.  Let's start with the id cpwr_jenkins.  We 
> do not know the password.  People on the account that got notified by email 
> when you selected forgot password at https://accounts.jenkins.io no longer 
> receive emails so we are completely locked out of that account.  How can we 
> go about getting a current password to this account?

Do you have access to the email address cpwr.jenk...@compuware.com? If so, I 
can change the account's email address to that one, as that's the Jira 
notification email address (the actual 'email address' in the user directory 
isn't valid, so no surprise nobody receives password reset emails).

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