Thanks for your positive words and the suggestions.

Speaking as myself, not necessarily representing CloudBees' collective
opinion, the idea of one person playing a leadership role is quite
consistent with what we've been generally doing lately in the Jenkins
project -- plugin maintainers, officers, SIG leaders, and JEP sponsors to
name a few. I think its effect of creating an information flow has been
useful. So I'm a big fan of that.

On Wed, Dec 26, 2018 at 9:30 PM Craig Rodrigues <> wrote:

> Kohsuke,
> Thanks for your honest and open response about my query about Cloudbees
> resources allocated to Blue Ocean.
> I am very happy with Cloudbees' investment in Blue Ocean.  When I show the
> UI to co-workers
> and managers, they are impressed.  That in turn makes it easier to promote
> the use of Pipeline
> and other "modern" Jenkins technologies in organizations that are using
> Jenkins, but may not be on the latest stuff.
> In terms of Blue Ocean, I have seen initially a very active and engaging
> involvement from Cloudbees in terms
> of kicking off the project and carrying it along.  Unfortunately, the
> involvement from Cloudbees has become much
> more passive.  From what you have described, there are a few passionate
> and talented developers
> at Cloudbees who are holding the fort on Blue Ocean.  I am grateful for
> the enthusiasm, skill, and motivation
> of these developers.  It is always a pleasure to interact with Cloudbees
> developers.
> However, my concern is that if the current mode is "holding the fort",
> then the appearance from the
> outside is that Blue Ocean is being passionately supported by a few
> developers, but it is not
> a high priority from Cloudbees management, and the developers are not
> being actively supported or given a clear
> direction/roadmap to work on Blue Ocean.  In other companies, I have seen
> where this mode of operation
> can lead to burnout and frustration on behalf of developers.
> I understand that Cloudbees is focusing on a lot of technical areas which
> are very important for the
> future of the Jenkins ecosystem.  I'm glad to see this.  I also understand
> that resources are limited,
> and deciding what resources to allocate to what project can be tricky.
> Blue Ocean is a significant piece of technical work, and due to its
> complexity, I think Cloudbees
> should continue to have a leadership role in its ongoing
> maintenance/bugfixes, and evolution.
> There just are not enough developers in the open source Jenkins community
> who
> are versed enough in modern Javascript/NodeJS to make significant
> contributions to Blue Ocean.
> I would like to suggest the following:
> 1.  Cloudbees should select one person, either a developer or manager to
> "own" Blue Ocean.
> 2.  The owner of Blue Ocean should make regular appearances (maybe once
> week) in the Blue Ocean gitter channel:
>      to get an idea what problems the community is having with Blue Ocean,
> and also
>      give periodic updates on future plans, roadmap, etc.
> 3.  All bugs in JIRA should be assigned to this owner of Blue Ocean.
> There should be no unassigned Blue Ocean bugs.
>     Also, bugs assigned to previous owners, such as James Dumay, should be
> assigned to the active owner.
> 4.  This owner should triage bugs into separate piles: easy to fix, hard
> to fix, won't fix, etc.
> 5.  Cloudbees should assign 1 or 2 developers to officially work on Blue
> Ocean part-time, say 1 to 2 days a week, to
>      work on the Blue Ocean bug backlog.  If other Cloudbees developers
> pitch in and help out, that's awesome, but
>      there should be at least a few developers officially assigned to Blue
> Ocean, and aware of the roadmap.
> 6.  If possible, Cloudbees should assign a UI/UX person for maybe 1 day a
> week to oversee overall changes to Blue Ocean, and make sure
>      that any changes improve UI and usability, and don't become a new
> kitchen sink.
> In terms of the work that needs to be done on Blue Ocean, my gut feeling
> is that there are two categories:
> 1.  Maintenance/bugfixes and minor filling of "pot holes" to bring Blue
> Ocean to feature parity with the Classic UI.
> 2.  Major interface changes to the Blue Ocean UI.  For example, adding
> customized test reports to Blue Ocean test report viewer:
> If Cloudbees can at least allocate some resources to officially work on
> Category 1 at a low level of activity,
> that would be an improvement over the current situation.
> Thanks again for listening to my feedback.
> Feel free to contact me off the mailing lists for further feedback.
> I am also in the SF Bay Area, and can drop by the Cloudbees office to chat
> if you want.
> A few years ago, I dropped by the Cloudbees office to chat with Andrew
> Bayer about
> Pipeline.
> --
> Craig
> On Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 5:41 PM Kohsuke Kawaguchi <
>> wrote:
>> For the time being, CloudBees is doing what it can to fix regressions,
>> bugs, and doing the necessary maintenance to retain the same level of
>> functionalities as the rest of Jenkins evolves. Many of the people who have
>> worked on Blue Ocean are still around, such as  Keith, Nicu, Josh, Ivan, et
>> al. And what you saw is  them holding the fort. I will do my part to ensure
>> Jenn to get the necessary organizational support to engage in the community
>> and form a plan, and to have that communicated well when that happens.  Or
>> if somebody else is willing to step up and carry the torch forward, I’d
>> love that, too.
>> --
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