Dear all,

I would like to start two new special interest groups in Jenkins: Embedded
SIG and "Hardware and Electronic Design Automation" (HW and EDA) SIG. Just
to provide some background, I have originally came from the
Hardware/Embedded area, and industry-specific CI/CD is still one of my main
interests. Since JEP-4 "Special Interest Groups" was proposed in 2018, I
have had a number of discussions with Jenkins users in these areas. There
is a LOT of them, Jenkins is a de-facto standard in the industry thanks to
its flexibility and the framework nature.

Embedded/HW automation engineers are generally less active in Jenkins
user/developer mailing lists, because in many cases their use-cases and
demands differ from the Jenkins community mainstream
(Java/Docker/K8s/etc/etc.). It would be great if we could offer channels
for such area-specific discussions so that we can get more contributors
involved in the community.

I would like both SIGs to be *user groups* focused on sharing experiences
about Jenkins usage for specific use-cases and in the specific
environments. SIGs may also work on improving documentation (e.g. solutions
pages), and be a contact point for some development activities (plugins for
development tools, etc.). Generally I would like to start from
chats/mailing lists and monthly meetings in both SIGs.

Why 2 SIGs? Although hardware and embedded use-cases overlap sometimes
(e.g. testing on hardware, mixed design), I lean towards having two
separate SIGs. Embedded SIG would focus on embedded software and high-level
devices for various areas (e.g. Automotive, IoT, etc.) while HW-and-EDA SIG
would focus on the hardware design for ASICs and FPGAs.

I will appreciate any feedback. If somebody is interested to help
organizing the SIGs and driving them, please let me know.

Thanks in advance,

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